Sunday 22 February 2015

Here we are, here we are and here we go...

Howdy, my name is Stevie, a 22 year old whose mind doesn't work like most peoples. I don't mean I'm a fruit loop and wake up every morning thinking I'm a banana and that the sky will fall down and clonk me on the head. More in the sense that I'm rather unique and don't like the mainstream stuff and I'm more into quirky things. Rather worryingly, the more I write the more I feel like a scary attacker or something. I'm not, honest.

I first started writing way back in 2009/2010. I am heavily inspired by Jeremy Clarkson as a columnist, where he just writes about what's he thinks rather than mainstream journalism where you would report on a topic. So I just wrote and wrote and wrote about how I saw the world and so on. It grew to be about 8,000 words before I stopped. Each article was a couple of pages long and was a mix of serious thought and comedy. I thoroughly enjoyed it though and have done ever since.

Skip forward 2 years and during my first year of Sixth Form (College) we had this silly 5,000 word project to do; an obligatory project. I think we had 6 months to do a research project, or a creative type thing. Nearly everyone went with the research a topic and then write about it. That to me sounded like work. Finding something to research, then reading up on it, then writing about it, whilst also writing down sources and all this extra rubbish which seemed like it would require a lot of effort and very little enjoyment.

Whereas I sat there, knowing I had that huge 8,000 word document sat at home. So within a week I had submitted a 'creative piece' - A diary of a young man who saw the world differently. I picked out enough articles to lift it up to almost 5,000. The remainder was used on an original article. An article I wrote about the project, ranting at how silly it was and what a waste of my time it was etc.

I submitted it and was called into a meeting. As you can probably guess, it hadn't gone down too well. Long story still long but shortened a little bit because I'm rambling on a bit now, I did submit it, and it did go through, and I did get 'meh' marks on it. I feel it only scored low because I basically told them it was a pointless project and I hated it.

The project did do one thing for me though. It inspired me to start writing again, I continued the project and got it up to about 20,000 words. It was such fun until my laptop died, and I never bought Microsoft Word again so I can't see it or work on it any more so here I am. I've written bits on the 'Notes' tab on Facebook, but that's only when something grabs my attention.

But now I'm here. Here to write to my hearts content and I don't care if nobody ever sees it. I have a printed copy of my 20,000 word project, so I'll type up some of the old stuff, (If I still agree with it!) whilst also writing original stuff.

That'll do for now. I've waffled enough for now.



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